Here you can find my journey on the path of 3D, from modeling to shading and rednering, I am keen to educate myself in all that 3D has to offer.
My first advice from a friend was to follow the donut tutorial, so I did, I found it quite challenging at first but as the series went on I began to understand and deepen my passion towards the art.
From the blender donut tutorial I moved onto different tutorials as I wanted  to learn a broader variety of skills. This came in a multitude of forms, from modeling to shading and composition, above are 2 of my better outputs.
After following tutorials for an extended period of time I decided that I wanted to do something on my own accord, this came out to be a low poly render of a duck, you can see the progression of this task above.
With a boost of confidence in my own skills I decided to take another challenge, material shading, This proved ot be rather difficult so, I followed some more tutorials to assist me.

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